
What is THERMIva?

ThermiVa treatments deliver controlled thermal energy to the desire areas- external (labia) and/or internal (vagina)- using the same technology that has been used for years to reduce the effects of aging. The complete ThermiVa procedure includes 3 separate treatments over a period of 3 months.

-Non-invasive, non-ablative, non-surgical and no anesthesia required.

-Convenient application performed in-office.

-No downtime.

-Delivered at your comfort level.

– Used on both internal and external vaginal tissue.

(ThermiVa is not for patients who are currently pregnant or have an infection around the application. For more detailed information, please consult with your provider)

How it works?

ThermiVa treatments use temperature controlled radio frequency energy to gently heat tissue so that women can reclaim, restore and revive femine wellness without discomfort or downtime. Physicians using ThermiVa are pleased to have an in-office procedure, and patients reporting excitement about a new treatment option for women who want results without surgery.


Why Radiofrequency?

ThermiVa treatments use radio frequency energy to gently heat tissue to rejuvenate collagen, without discomfort or downtime.

“When heated, collagen fibrils will denature and contract, which is believed to lead to observed tissue tightening.”


How often do I need the Treatment?

Dr Ally Jones D.O Thermiva Specialist

The ThermiVa procedure will include 3 separate treatments over a period of 3 months. After those treatments, you will need to have 1 treatment every year to keep those results.


ThermiVa Hand Piece:

Hand Piece Size: The width of the hand pieve is about 0.5”. The specially designed hand pieve has a thoughtful design with comfort in min.

Active Tip: The small metal square on the bottom of the electrode is the active tip- this is the area that will gently heat the tissue via emission of the radiofrequency energy.


Customer Comments:

“ I have noticed a significant difference in my confidence with arousal, foreplay, and sex since the treatment.”

  “I came in for one concern but was pleasantly surprised that I had an improvement in other areas.”


Vitality offers ThermiVa that is only performed by a Doctor. Call Vitality in Mesa at 480.854.8000 or Scottsdale at 480.948.3050.